Ben Chisholm is an Australian born actor residing in Melbourne, Victoria. As a teen, Ben loved entertaining others, his quick wit and impersonating talent leading him to a stand-up career in 2000, performing on Foxtel’s Stand Up Australia as well as the Melbourne International Comedy Festival for several years.
Ben secured his first role in the 2007 Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks Emmy-award winning HBO mini series “The Pacific”, opening the door to a wide variety of roles on shows including appearances in “The Hollowmen”, “Neighbours”, “Police Under Fire”, “Bed of Roses”, “Underbelly: Squizzy” and the American award winning HBO series “The Leftovers”.
In cinema he has also appeared in the Australian thriller “Red Billabong”, as BJ and the Australian historical drama “The Legend of Ben Hall” as Bill Hall and the Australian sci-fi action sequel “Occupation: Rainfall” staring alongside Ken Jeong, Temura Morrison and Dan Ewing.